Social media are increasingly popular all over the world and can be used as a really powerful tool to help you advertise your business and sell your services. In this perspective, it is really the "next big thing" of the industry. As entrepreneurs, we all see social media as a successful marketing strategy for business growth and sales increase.
As social media may present great marketing opportunities for all kind of businesses, by failing to use them appropriately and effectively, you face the risk of just wasting your time. So, it is vital to find the best ways to optimize the social media presence of your brand.
Would you like to sell your ideas, establish your brand and attract clients through social media?
Here are 5 useful tips to help you improve your social media strategies and simplify your marketing tasks:
1. Pay attention to your content
The key to win your audience through social media is to deliver quality content. It is always important to post content that your followers are interested in and want to share. By offering valuable information to your readers you establish credibility; you also have more chances that your posts will be shared through various social media platforms and you increase your chances of attracting clients.
2. Use images
When it comes to gaining and keeping your readers engaged, the best way is to use powerful visual content. Photo sharing is an effective way of capturing people's attention. According to Wishpond's data, photo posts get 120% more engagement on Facebook than regular posts. So, being visual can definitely help you to share your great content with your audience.
3. Keep your posts short
As an entrepreneur it is vital to create posts that people would want to share. A great way is to optimize your messaging to the right amount of words by keeping them short and concise. In a very interesting study by BlitzLocal titled "What 120 Billion Facebook Impressions Can Tell Us" the researchers concluded: "Longer posts tend to perform poorly. The ideal interaction being driven by posts is between 100 to 119 characters". So, if you want to promote your valuable content to target clients, keep them short and more readable.
4. Use #Hashtags strategically
The use of hashtags can be a really effective marketing tool if used correctly. A hashtag is just a way for people to search for posts that have a common topic. So, you can use them to enable readers to discover your content more easily and effectively. If you really want to make an impact with your social media marketing strategy, avoid #hashtagging everything and simply create just a few thematic hashtags relevant to your brand and your target audience. If you manage to do this, you can easily increase your chances of attracting new clients, as this tactic can make your content reachable to anyone who is interested in your brand. But you should use this powerful tool in moderation. A study by Social Bakers showed: "Too many hashtags leads to less interactions". Hence, controlling your #hashtagging by creating a carefully planned strategy can be the wisest decision for your social media marketing plan.
5. Schedule your posts at the best times
One of the main parameters to manage your business's social media accounts most effectively is timing. It is really important to understand when it is the best time to spread your voice to your target audience to each social network.
Your audience prefers to use the social media platforms at specific hours. You can experiment a little bit and test different times of the day by posting the same content and pay close attention to the clicks, likes, comments, shares, etc. Be sure that when you'll find the best time to be active on the social web, your content will get maximum exposure.
But, you have to keep in mind that social media is a fairly new tool for more businesses and there are no definitive answers to what works best. So, my two pence would be to use one of the various guides you will find on the web regarding social timing and at the same time test your visitors and followers to see what works the most in your specific case. There's a great infographic by KISSmetrics explaining the science of social timing in figures and diagrams.
Social media marketing plan
In general, social media is a fabulous way to promote your brand to vast audiences, build your credibility as an expert in your industry and ultimately, increase your clientele.
When you know how to use the social web right and wisely, it is time to use the most powerful tool in order to be successful in social media marketing; it is time to make a good marketing plan and stick to it. Having a plan for your social media activities, will help you remain focused and committed to your goals without being afraid that you might be wasting your time. A marketing plan will also help you track your performance as you follow it and it can provide an objective view of what you've been doing with your business time in the social platforms.
I hope this post will help you find your way in the social media labyrinth.
What are your tips and tricks for marking your presence on social media?